Show 20 of 40 more recent messages

Kay Springer Miller
April 6, 2014 17:02:01 (EDT)
What a wonderful site! I have many, many great memories of my summers at Minne Wonka. Are any of you contempories who might remember my cousin Nancy Jane Barnes (in 1930's) or my aunt Virginia Springer? I was there in the 1950's. Nancy Jane is in her 90's but sharp as a tack and would love to hear about memories of Minne Wonka.

Annie Davidson
March 11, 2014 19:46:16 (EDT)
Seeing that picture of Linden Lodge with Tina and Sara and so many girls I remember sharing joy with... It brings back a lot of memories. I have to dig up those memory books the next time I go back to my parents' house.

mia walters
February 15, 2014 17:16:12 (EDT)
Found a package of camp photos among boxes of family items. There are 10 B&W 1 3/4" X 2 3/4" pics - year? 40's?? Packet manufactured by Grogan Photo System Inc in Milwaukee. If anyone is interested in them, I am happy to send them on....

g heinemann
November 9, 2013 10:36:50 (EDT)
please... Anyone who can remember any of the old camp songs to email me..

Michele Robertson (now Stover)
October 12, 2013 08:36:12 (EDT)
Wow I just found this website. Tracy I remember you!!! I was always the smallest in all these pics.....It was great to look back. I still have dreams about MWL and maintain to my kids that camp memories are among the fondest in my life. I was friends with Debbie Badley and Jane Oneil....Oh what a great camp it was. Those cinnamon rolls on Sunday!! They were the best. Those years were some of the best. I remember almost all of you in the pics. Any of you remember Bye Bye Birdie? We were quite the actors on those rainy days. Best wishes to all of you!

CIssy Jones Crawford
July 6, 2013 09:14:39 (EDT)
On a recent driving trip I was surfing the web and looked up Minne Wonka. I had no idea there was this wonderful website. I, too, have so many special childhood memories. Loved seeing messages from old friends; Ann Wham, Debbie Dick, Timmy, Holly Wachs. Good memories for me- running to the bulletin board to see if you were posted for a canoe trip, Susan (tall from Texas) and her "suave rating" (never really knew what that meant!), s'mores (ate too many of those), singing in the dining room while the "jumpers" cleared the tables, crossing our fingers that we didn't get demerits for a messy cabin etc.
hi to all! Cissy

Eliza Jones Henderson
October 2, 2012 13:36:41 (EDT)
Hi Ellen,

I was just perusing the Minne Wonka site on google for the first time and found your posting and that of Laura Justiss. Wasn't that a fascinating time ? The summers I spent there in the 50's and 60's were truly some of the most memorable of my life. I wish we could go back there and do it all again. Hugs, Liza

Kristene bachmann
September 13, 2012 01:05:02 (EDT)
Does anyone remember me? I remember a lot of you, believe it or not!

Ellen Bayley Campbell
September 5, 2012 18:57:49 (EDT)
I went to Minne Wonka the summers of 1967 and 1968. What a wonderful place. What ever happened to it?Please add me to the mailing list.


Shari Wolf
August 19, 2012 19:31:34 (EDT)
I went to camp summers of '74 '75 '76. Please add me to your mail call list.



August 14, 2012 16:14:22 (EDT)
The old boat house burned down Sunday night.

Wendy Faust
August 13, 2012 15:45:40 (EDT)
Wanted to pass along that the original boathouse of Minne Wonka Lodge just burnt down on Sunday. A neighbor was injured w/burns who was helping owner try to start an old wooden Chris Craft boat in the boathouse. It blew up and the entire boathouse was lost.

Eugenie(Gigi)Armstrong Lynch
March 16, 2012 17:54:11 (EDT)
I attended Minne Wonka Summer Camp. Many of us were from St.Louis. I'm figuring 1968-1970. No doubt one of my best memories I have of my childhood. Love, loved horseback riding. Sunday services. Chapel in the Woods(?)We sang "Morning has Broken".

I so remember: movie night- "The Trouble With Angels" one year. I loved canoeing,archery,arts and crafts, WATER SKIING! Wow! the happiest of times!

Oh! Never forget the wonderful sweaters that made a home for all of our merits!

I would give a year to be able to spend one more six week Summer Camp as a 6 yr old at Minne Wonka.

I can smell the pine now. Remember that Grand hill we would race our horses up?

Gigi Armstrong Lynch (John Lynch)

Roberta Potter
February 14, 2012 18:07:44 (EDT)
I was at Minne Wonka Lodge when i was in sixth grade. I won like all these prizes for archery and was in Balsam Bunk Cabin.

Davi Richards
November 12, 2011 19:13:09 (EDT)
I saw a message from Mutzie Harms Weir written on this site in 2009 - I was at Minnewonka with you in the early 50's. I tried to email you from this site, but it seems to use only Outlook. I'm at If you see this, let me hear from you.

Debby Baddeley Ehret
October 9, 2011 11:04:32 (EDT)
Jane O'Neil Fleming told me to get on board and here I am.....right back where I have always been. I love the photo's and have so many more I could share. I continue to sing the songs to my kids all the time even now when they are grown up. I loved Minne Wonka Lodge and everything I learned there. What a gift and blessing it was to spend so much time there as a young girl. I was there in the middle to late 70's and remember everything. The canoes trips, the bug juice, the candlelight ceremonies and the swims before breakfast. Seems like yesterday. Miss these years.
Going to facebook now to be a friend. Keep in touch anyone who remembers me. I think of you guys all the time.

nancy brucato
September 20, 2011 16:22:17 (EDT)
Hey Bruce I remember one time our team won a canoeing must have been one of those game days....what were they called? Check your e mail

Bruce R. Maier
September 3, 2011 20:14:24 (EDT)
To Nancy Brucato.....check you email...I remember you and at least 4 trips together well. Wave back... and yes, you really WERE a fine canoeist. *hug*

Bruce Maier
August 20, 2011 14:45:46 (EDT)

Just read your email.

It brought back so many memories of wonderful times.


Martha Record McKinstry
July 28, 2011 17:14:21 (EDT)
OMG had no idea this site existed until I got on my sister's (Mary Record Marshall) facebook page. I paged through all the messages and found some from the years when I was there. It was during the Lyon's time and I so loved my memories of the camp although I was quite homesick at first. I was the second of three Record girls from Decatur and I too remember riding the train from Springfield and the pullman cars. Ohhhhhhhh so many memories. Hi to Debbie Dick and Holly from Windsong.

Show 20 of 129 earlier messages