Kay Springer Miller
April 6, 2014 17:02:01 (EDT) |
Annie Davidson
March 11, 2014 19:46:16 (EDT) |
mia walters
February 15, 2014 17:16:12 (EDT) |
g heinemann
November 9, 2013 10:36:50 (EDT) |
Michele Robertson (now Stover)
October 12, 2013 08:36:12 (EDT) |
CIssy Jones Crawford
July 6, 2013 09:14:39 (EDT) |
Eliza Jones Henderson
October 2, 2012 13:36:41 (EDT) |
I was just perusing the Minne Wonka site on google for the first time and found your posting and that of Laura Justiss. Wasn't that a fascinating time ? The summers I spent there in the 50's and 60's were truly some of the most memorable of my life. I wish we could go back there and do it all again. Hugs, Liza
Kristene bachmann
September 13, 2012 01:05:02 (EDT) |
Ellen Bayley Campbell
September 5, 2012 18:57:49 (EDT) |
Shari Wolf
August 19, 2012 19:31:34 (EDT) |
August 14, 2012 16:14:22 (EDT) |
Wendy Faust
August 13, 2012 15:45:40 (EDT) |
Eugenie(Gigi)Armstrong Lynch
March 16, 2012 17:54:11 (EDT) |
I so remember: movie night- "The Trouble With Angels" one year. I loved canoeing,archery,arts and crafts, WATER SKIING! Wow! the happiest of times!
Oh! Never forget the wonderful sweaters that made a home for all of our merits!
I would give a year to be able to spend one more six week Summer Camp as a 6 yr old at Minne Wonka.
I can smell the pine now. Remember that Grand hill we would race our horses up?
Gigi Armstrong Lynch (John Lynch)
Roberta Potter
February 14, 2012 18:07:44 (EDT) |
Davi Richards
November 12, 2011 19:13:09 (EDT) |
Debby Baddeley Ehret
October 9, 2011 11:04:32 (EDT) |
nancy brucato
September 20, 2011 16:22:17 (EDT) |
Bruce R. Maier
September 3, 2011 20:14:24 (EDT) |
Bruce Maier
August 20, 2011 14:45:46 (EDT) |
Just read your email.
It brought back so many memories of wonderful times.
Martha Record McKinstry
July 28, 2011 17:14:21 (EDT) |