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Cindy Peifer Pelizza
December 28, 2009 17:51:29 (EDT)
Hello-- I, too, was in Windsong, but it was in 1964. I met Mariyn, from St. Louis, at the University of Arizona in 1969. Barbara McNair, from Evanston was a cabin mate, as well as, Mary Record, Margaret McKeowin, Kit Davis,and Martha Dee. There are many more, but I only went there for one summer. I was 13. Karen Burrell went there, too. I do know that she is a lawyer in Austin, Texas. I live in Plano, Texas, suburb of Dallas. 1964 was a great summer for me. It is amazing how small our world is, since I have run into one of my cabin mates in college. Time has passed and I do not know if there is anyone out there that has found this website, but I am glad that I did. If Mary Record reads this, I will be in Decatur, Illinois for my parents burial, when ever it occurs. You can tell your mother that Juanita Fraser is still alive, but memory issues have gotten to her. I hope someone responds. If not, I am so sorry to hear that this camp is no more. I was blessed to have been able to attend.

Bruce R. Maier
October 31, 2009 19:50:48 (EDT)
I would love to hear from campers and counselors that shared the fantastic Minne Wonka Lodge ecosystem with me. I have a huge array of pictures from the canoe trips I led and also from camp life in general.

Bruce R. Maier
October 31, 2009 19:21:55 (EDT)
I was a Campmaster during the Lyons era 62-64. Dusty was a dear friend for 49 years. We opened and closed camp...and literally split a ton of firewood together. Dusty cared for my summer house on 4-Mile Lake for 35 years but that pales as compared to his inate kindness.... and his love of the Northwoods and [reverent pause]..... the special affection he had for campers. He remembered ALL your names. I spoke to Dusty two days before he died. My heart is still heavy.

I will post on the other boards. I would like to hear from old friends. Camp remains as one if the great formative elements of my Life.

Bruce.... Columbia MO.

Kalinka Carnow
October 28, 2009 16:26:56 (EDT)
Wow! This site is great! Hi everyone! MWL is still a hugh part of my heart. I think of the people, sights and sounds in some way every day. I live in Seattle and when it rains here with the ground all covered with pine needles it even smells like it! I love it... My sister Tina is well and living in San Diego. I hope life has been kind to everyone.

Ashley Thomas
October 27, 2009 13:03:54 (EDT)
My name is Ashley and I grew up in what used to be the main lodge of Camp Minne Wonka. My parents have now owned the place for 23 years and have done a beautiful job restoring it. It is very cool that there is a website where fellow campers are able to conversate. I love to hear of the wonderful experiences that what is now my "home" has given to all.

Carol McNair
October 25, 2009 09:34:23 (EDT)
The movie Paddle to Seattle may be of interest to Minne Wonka girls. Here's the trailer:

Mary (Mutzie) Harms Weir
September 28, 2009 13:19:31 (EDT)
Is there anyone out there old enough to have attended MWL in the late 40's and early 50's? During the Lyon's regime?

William Mericle
July 23, 2009 00:22:47 (EDT)
Hello Minne Wonka-ites. First of all, thanks to all of you who wrote me your memories of my sister, Karen Mericle, who passed away several years ago (I posted on this site back in 2006 -- how time flies!). And sorry if I didn't reply to you personally. My bad. Anyway, I am actually here in Three Lakes right now with Karen's two daughters and my mom. I have printed out all of your heartfelt memories. We will read them with the girls tomorrow. My mom has also brought all of the letters she wrote home, so we will be enjoying those, too. Karen's 48th birthday would have been this past Tuesday, 7/21. Hopefully, we can figure out where some of the camp was and show the girls the place my sister loved so very much. I am also hoping to visit Camp Highlands, my old stomping grounds. Maybe we'll even sing an old camp song! Take care all of you. And thanks again for the memories. wcm

Holly Wachs O'Connell
July 12, 2009 23:24:36 (EDT)
If anyone knows anything of Molly Jo (Midgie) Beasley, a counselor from 1959-1961 or so, I would really like the info! Also, does anyone know anything about Evelyn "Paddle" Patillo? She was a canoeing counselor then. Any responses would be appreciated!

Holly Wachs O'Connell
July 12, 2009 08:40:31 (EDT)
I have just gotten in touch with long lost cabinmates from the early 60's because of this message board! How wonderful! Is Tom Libby by any chance the counselor who was at MWL at that time? All of us in Windsong were in love with him!!!!

Bill Lewis
July 8, 2009 11:24:56 (EDT)
Tom Libby is visiting Rose and me for a few days. As expected some MWL talk, and happy memories of trips, campfires, friends.

I remember some of the newer names on this posr - Timmy and Debbie Dick. Amazing that so many people seek out MWL all these years later.

Debbie Dick Swan
July 6, 2009 14:27:49 (EDT)
Wow! Talk about a blast from the past! I just got a letter from Timmy (Charlene Timothy) and she included in it this website and messages from both Ann Wham Gerwin and Holly Wachs O'Connell. I too, loved my years at Minne Wonka, and have often thought how much fun it would be to go back and see it. Sounds like it no longer looks the same, but then again, what does after so many years away! My memories are a bit rusty, but the things I learned at MWL, especially on the waterfront, I have used many, many times. I still have, and use, the paddle I earned. I also am sorry that I didn't know about the reunion. Hi to all my bunkmates!

Mary Dee
July 5, 2009 10:35:04 (EDT)
Dear Sue,Charlene,Ann,and whoever is interested,
There is a large MWL group formed that I am sure you would be interested in. Check out this site.
Mary Dee (Kirchoff now)
Camper 67-70
CIT 71-72
Counselor 73-75

Ann Wham Gerwin
June 29, 2009 10:32:34 (EDT)
I spent three wonderful summers 1957-59 at MWL and to this day am transported back by the smell of a wood fire or pine needles. I would love to go back to visit the site and to attend a reunion if there is another one. Campers I remember so well are Charlene "Timmy" Timothy, Holly Wachs, Babs Penhallagan, Debbie Dick, Cindy Jones and Nancy Neidner. I am in touch with Charlene and Holly. Would love to hear from anyone else!

Charlene Timothy
June 27, 2009 21:27:10 (EDT)
Sorry I missed the reunion. My brother just found the web site. Tonight Ann Wham and I were reviewing pictures of our time there. I spent 11 yrs as a camper, CIT and Counselor at Minne Wonka. Saw the message from Holly and would like to hear from anyone who was a camper with me. I was there from 1958-1969

Sue Conkey
May 14, 2009 13:50:01 (EDT)
A close friend found this Website for me, remembering I've often said I wish I could figure out just where Minne Wonka was. I was a counselor (drama) there in '71. I remember all the Hannas and Benny. The other names I'm reading here aren't ringing a bell, although I was looking through pretty quickly. I am up in that area often as we have a cabin in Sugar Camp near the White Stag (which hasn't changed AT ALL over the years except for prices). It was fun to look at photos and read comments. Minne Wonka was a really special place!

Mara Graham Dworsky
March 13, 2009 22:13:39 (EDT)
I am so glad to have found this website. I have Googled Minne Wonka repeatedly hoping to send my girls there. What happened to the camp. I went there from '72 through '76. I feel as if so much of my childhood memories are there. The woods, the songs, the raspberries! I cannot believe it is gone.

I would love to hear from Laura Parch if anyone knows where she is. Hello Margit Hunt! You made such a great big sister!

Carol Sargent Thomas
March 10, 2009 19:35:28 (EDT)
I saw there is a website for us to look back on the old times. I was unable to get there. Can someone send me the correct address link so I can go back to great memories.

Minne Wonka was one of the best times of my life. I dream of this place often.

Nancy Evans Kinsey
February 19, 2009 19:38:20 (EDT)
Wow, I was stunned to find this web site. I, too, went to Camp Minne Wonka years ago. I was there the summer when one of the older girls drowned in a terrible accident along some whitewater. I do have lots of other great memories: cinnamon toast, songs at mealtime, cabin clean-up awards, the red cardigan sweaters with the felt badges.

gabrielle glass
January 22, 2009 00:28:26 (EDT)
I spent 8 weeks every summer from 1968 to 1973 as a camper and would love to reconnect with anyone who might remember me. YOU CAN FIND ME ON FACEBOOK.

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